It can be a daunting task when you start to think about how you will manage your child’s hair. What products should I use? What’s an easy way to detangle? Are the products I’m using now safe? How often should I wash? The answers to all of these questions will come in time, but here is a place to start, Rainbow Kids Hairstyling Tips and Hair Advice.
Hair Advice
In order to find out which products work best for your child’s hair. you are going to have to give some products. It’s the only way to truly know what will and will not work.
No parent wants to hear their child has lice but unfortunately, lice are still a common issue, especially among school-aged children. Anyone can get lice; it doesn’t matter how clean your hair is!
Don’t panic! Remember, lice are a nuisance but not a health issue.
Tangles and Snarls:
It’s no secret that maintaining beautiful healthy hair requires good care. Dealing with tangles in your child’s hair can be time-consuming, tearful, and a frustrating task for both of you!
Chlorine Damage:
One of the best things about summer is spending hot summer days in a swimming pool. Unfortunately, you have to tackle chlorine damage.
Parents can do a few simple things to avoid chlorine damage.

Dry Flaky Scalp:
It is a common misconception that Dry Flaky Scalp and Dandruff is the same thing. They are not. Dry Flaky Scalp is dry as Dandruff is the result of an oily scalp, and is also called cradle cap when it affects babies.
Static Electricity:
Static electricity is a common winter problem, especially for children’s delicate hair. The best way to deal with the flyaways is to make sure hair has enough moisture in it
Be Patient with Your Child:
Until you find out the best products, routines, and hairstyles understand that this is also going to be a learning process for your child and patience for you.
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Call us today to make an appointment – Rainbow Kids Hairstyling Locations.
Chino Hills – (909) 606-0008
2587-J Chino Hills Pkwy, Chino Hills, CA 91709
Yorba Linda – (714) 223-5855