One of the best things about summer is spending hot summer days in a swimming pool. Unfortunately, you have to tackle chlorine damage.
Parents can do a few simple things to avoid chlorine damage.
Chlorine Damage
Chlorine doesn’t just get on the hair; it gets into it and is attracted to children’s beautiful hair. Chlorine build-up can make hair tangled, brittle, sticky, shiny Hair, and even green!
Tips to Prevent Chlorine Damage:
Before swimming:
Soak your hair. Hair follicles are like sponges; they will soak up what they can… If your hair is already wet from a quick shower, it won’t be able to absorb as much chlorine in the pool.
Always have children rinse hair after exiting the pool as well to rinse off any lingering pool chemicals.
Pre-treat with Conditioner: Pre-swim conditioner acts as a barrier to the pool water to protect the hair. We carry Circle of Friends Kylie’s Pre-Swim, which has an exclusive blend of polymers and vitamins that help protect hair from turning green, breaking, or becoming dry. Just wet hair, spray and evenly distribute.
After swimming:
Always have children rinse hair after exiting the pool as well to rinse off any lingering pool chemicals.
Shampoo with a swimmers shampoo: We carry Malibu Swimmers Wellness Shampoo and Fairy Tales Sun and Swim™
Follow with a good conditioner or even a leave-in conditioner to replenish the moisture back to the hair.

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Chino Hills +1 (909) 606-0008
2587-J Chino Hills Pkwy, Chino Hills, CA 91709
Yorba Linda – +1 (714) 223-5855