No parent wants to hear their child has lice but unfortunately, lice are still a common issue, especially among school-aged children. Anyone can get lice; it doesn’t matter how clean your hair is!
Don’t panic! Remember, lice are a nuisance but not a health issue.
Tips of Preventing & Treatment of Lice
Do head lice jump?
NO, they do not jump or fly. They are usually transmitted by direct head to head contact with an infected person or their belongings
Ways to prevent head lice:
Just like you apply sunscreen or insect repellent before going into a wooded area or to the beach, you can protect them during a lice outbreak with the right products. Haircare products that contain a real amount of essential oils like mint or tea trees have been proven to repel lice.
Tips for Preventing Head Lice:
Do a weekly head check: A quick check of the “hot spots” (behind the ears, back of the neck, and at part lines) on a weekly basis can help prevent an outbreak.
Teach children NOT to share hats, combs, brushes, hair ties, pillows, sleeping bags, etc. Going to a princess party? Wipe down the tiara first. At sporting events, never share helmets or caps.
Keep long hair up in a ponytail or a braid. Secure styles with styling aids. The excess coating will make it harder for lice to attach to the hair.
At school, daycare or camp make sure to store jackets, nap mats, backpacks, and hats in separate cubbies or a sealed bag.
Organic herbs such as rosemary, tea tree, and citronella are proven safe, gentle, and efficient to help prevent head lice, and are used on a daily application.
The signs of head lice:
The most common indicator of lice is scalp irritation. Lice are nocturnal creatures, so itching might intensify or only happen at night. Small, red marks around the hairline may also be visible. So, if you get a note home from school or become aware of an outbreak, don’t wait until your child is complaining of itching. Be proactive and begin frequent head checks.
Essential – some do not experience any itching!
How to Search for and Identify lice:
It can be difficult to accurately identify lice or nits, especially with issues as dandruff, cradle cap or all the other stuff that can end up in a kid’s hair. You want to part the hair to get a good look at the scalp where they live and feed. Start by looking at the “hot spots” which are behind the ears, at the back of the neck, and along the part lines.
It can help to use a bright light, as they are difficult to see and fast-moving. The live bugs are hard to spot, so we recommend looking for eggs first.
What Are Lice?
Need to know: Lice infest regardless of social status and personal hygiene. They like CLEAN hair not dirty, as it’s easier to attach to an uncoated hair shaft.
- What: six-legged insects; size of a sesame seed
- Color: grayish, whitish brown
- Found: directly on the scalp
- Feed: need human blood to survive
- Lifecycle: can live 30 days on scalp
- Not dangerous: bothersome but don’t spread disease
- Symptoms: itching, irritation, small red bumps
What Is a Nit?
Nits are lice eggs. They look like dandruff; only they can’t be removed by brushing or shaking them off. They are attached to the hair shaft with sticky nit glue.
- What: small, oval sacs; the size of a pinpoint
- Color: yellow, tan or brown dots
- Found: on the hair shaft about 1/4 – 1/2 inch from the scalp
- Hot spots: behind the ears, nape of the neck, and part lines
- Lifecycle: newly hatched nymphs migrate to the scalp to feed
- Timeline: 9-10 days from hatching they begin to lay their egg
Efficient and thorough treatment methods:
Once you know someone in your family has lice, your first step is to start frequent head checks of the other members of your household. It is not uncommon for siblings and parents to also contract lice.
Saturate the hair thoroughly, working the foam throughout layers with a massaging motion between fingertips to help loosen the nit “glue.” Apply more, as needed, for full coverage. Let sit for 15 minutes. Do not rinse.
Part the hair down the middle and clip up one side. Takedown a small section of the clip, and moisten with lice Conditioning Spray. The spray will help detangle the hair, and it is proven easier and more efficient to comb through a smoother surface.
Now comb through the first small section using a Nit-Free Comb. Always start at the scalp to catch and remove lice. To ensure removal of all nits, attached to the bottom or sides of the hair shaft, be sure to comb each section in 4 directions: from above, from below and each side.
Continue to take down small sections, dampening the hair and brushing thoroughly, section by section, as you work throughout the first side. Pay particular attention to the hot spots: behind the ears, back of the neck and along the part lines. Once completed; clip up the other side and repeat the process.
Wipe any residue after each pass on a wet wipe or paper towel where you can easily see any lice or eggs. Be sure to deposit refuse in a zip-lock bag to contain any live bugs. Rinse comb under warm water between uses.
Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water. Cover children’s eyes for protection. Comb through sections with a Nit-Free Comb as a final check for remaining lice or nits.
Check Your Family and House:
It’s a good idea to check the entire family. Everyone is at risk.
- Wash all bedding in hot water and dry on the hottest setting.
- Washed stuffed animals and blankets washed and dried on high heat or placed in a sealed bag for 48 hours. Remember, lice cannot survive off the head for more than 36 hours.
- Gather recently worn clothing such as hats, jackets, and tops and dry on hottest setting or place in a sealed bag for 48 hours as well.
- Vacuum all surfaces. Carpets, flooring, couches, car seats, too! Furniture sprays are unnecessary and can contain harmful chemicals.
- Combs and brushes should be replaced or soaked in hot water. Hair ties, headbands, etc. should also be washed or bagged for 48 hours.
Repeat treatment and combing, as needed. The great news is with a natural treatment you don’t have to wait to do a follow-up treatment.
Rainbow Kids Lice Treatment Products:
Fairy Tales
The next generation of lice elimination products is here! It is safe, comfortable, natural, and clinically proven to remove lice and their eggs.
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2587-J Chino Hills Pkwy, Chino Hills, CA 91709
Yorba Linda – +1 (714) 223-5855