Static Electricity is a common winter problem, especially for children’s delicate hair. The best way to deal with the flyaways is to make sure hair has enough moisture in it.
Static Electricity
Use detanglers everywhere! Spray on wet or dry hair, in hats, jacket hoods, car seats, etc. We carry a wide variety of detanglers, such as Original Sprout Miracle Detangler, Paul Mitchell Taming Spray, and Circle of Friends.
Rinse your child’s hair with lukewarm water, never with hot water. Using too hot water on your hair will cause it to dry out. Blast it with some cold water at the end to hold extra shine in your hair.
Run a dryer sheet gently on your child’s hair. Before you leave the house, put a few sheets in your bag if your child’s hair decides to act up later on! Don’t coat the hair TOO much, though, just run it gently on the top of your baby’s hair.
Use wooden or natural bristle brushes and combs on your hair. Synthetic brushes hold more of a static charge.

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Chino Hills +1 (909) 606-0008
2587-J Chino Hills Pkwy, Chino Hills, CA 91709
Yorba Linda – +1 (714) 223-5855